Sunday, September 27, 2009

"Your light shall rise for you in the darkness..."

Your light shall rise for you in the darkness
and the Lord will give you rest continually
and fill your soul with brightness,
And you shall be like a watered garden
and like a fountain whose waters shall not fail.

-Isaiah 58:10-11

Last week at a Franciscan day of reflection, Fr. Jim said something that really struck me and has stayed with me all week.

There's a necessary light that is only available in the darkness.

I find this intriguing, comforting, and true. It takes me back the first grasp of the little light within me, the only light I could cling to during the darkest time of my life. It was in the darkness and the grasping of this little light , that the necessary light was made available to me. The Light did, indeed, rise for me in my darkness...and my soul has been filled with brightness. Thanks be to God! :D

If you are walking in and struggling with the darkness that surrounds you or seems to be filling you, close your eyes and find that tiniest bit of light - mine was only the size of the head of a pin - and it will be sufficient; it will be enough, it will be the necessary light that you must grab hold of and cling to with everything you've got. This is enough to carry you for now and it will grow and flourish and fill you with brightness and light. It is true. Trust me. The time will come when you will let your light shine and your very presence will brighten the world.

For now: Breathe. Hold on. If you can, pray; if you can not, don't worry, others are praying for you and on your behalf. Walk with the tiniest piece of light that is within you and soon your path will be made bright. When you break through the darkness and are living and walking in the Light, you will be able to share your experience with others and help carry another's burden, thus, passing it on. Peace to you during you this difficult time.

P.S. If as you are reading this you are having a hard time even imagining any LIGHT within you, right now....light a candle, stare at the flame, breathe deeply and imagine that this little light is the light of Christ, and draw that light into your self. With your mind's eye, draw the light into your heart and hold it there. The light of this one little candle will surround you, this light will enfold you, the power of this light will protect you, the presence of Christ, the Light, watches over you.

It's better to LIGHT ONE CANDLE than to curse the darkness.

The darkness does not have the power to overcome the light; light overcomes the darkness every time.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Afraid of the Light?

A question worth pondering...

Who is more foolish,
the child afraid of the dark
or the man afraid of the light?

~Maurice Freehill

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Be a Lover of Silence...

If you love truth,
be a lover of silence.
like the sunlight
will illuminate you in God.

- St. Issac
7th Century Hermit Monk

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Little Torches

"We're all here for a reason.
I believe a bit of the reason
is to throw little torches out
to lead people through the dark."
-W. Goldberg

I really like that image of offering "little torches" to people. But not only can we "throw little torches out" to people, we can actually become a torch a be a LIGHT to everyone we meet, leaving LIGHT on the path with every step we take, and spreading LIGHT throughout the world. It's true!

Jesus tells us that WE ARE the LIGHT of the world...and our "LIGHT must shine before others.... " (Matthew 5:14-16), thus giving glory to the one who made us.

Let us be LIGHT, bring LIGHT, and throw out little torches to LIGHT the way for someone today!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Old Innuit Song

I think over again my small adventures,
my fears, those small ones that seemed so big,
all those vital things I had to get and reach,
and yet there is only one great thing:
to live and see the great day that dawns,
and the light that fills the world.

-Old Innuit Song