Friday, May 7, 2010

No Wandering in the Dark

"No follower of mine wanders in the dark;
s/he shall have the light of life."
-John 8:12

What wonderful assurance!
Let us choose to walk in the light and not the darkness.
The invitation is set before us every day -
we need only accept, say yes, and
"do whatever he tells you"!

Stop. Breathe. Listen. See. Follow.

Listen to that still, small voice in your heart.
See before you the path of life and light
and make the decision to cease your wandering in the dark,
choosing instead to walk in the light on the illumined path.

"O Lord, in your light we see light itself."


Blessings of light and life!


Saturday, May 1, 2010


People are like stained glass windows:

They sparkle and shine when the sun is out,

but when the darkness sets in

their true beauty is revealed

only if there is a light within.

-Elisabeth Kübler-Ross