Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Morning Prayer

There were so many references to light in this morning's Liturgy of the Hours Morning Prayer, that I could not ignore them. It is Tuesday of the Second Week of Ordinary Time.

Antiphon I
Lord, send forth your light and your truth.

[Gospel quote introducing the first psalm, Psalm 43]
I have come into the world to be its light (John 12:46).

Psalm Prayer [after the first psalm]
Almighty Father, source of everlasting light, send forth your truth into our hearts and pour over us the brightness of your light.

You are not in the dark, brothers [and sisters], that the day should catch you off guard, like a thief. No, all of you are children of light and of the day. We belong neither to darkness nor to night. (1 Thessalonians 5:4-5)

Canticle of Zechariah
...the dawn from on hight shall break upon us,
to shine on those who dwell in darkenss...

Let us bless our Savior who enlightens the world by his resurrection....

Lord Jesus, we honor your ressurection in our morning prayer,
-the hope of your glory enlightens our day....

Make our light shine so brightly before [all people],
-that seeing our good works they may give glory to the Father.

Lord Jesus Chist,
true light of the world,
you guide all [hu]mankind to salvation.
Give us the courage, strength and grace
to build a world of justice and peace,
ready for the coming of that kingdom.
You live and reign for ever and ever....


Perhaps now you can see how these words and images of light just leap off the page and draw my attention. They're everywhere! It happens all the time. It is for this reason that I first started this blog and I hope that by sharing what draws and captivates my attention, that perhaps you, too, may come to see this marvelous light in many obvious and unexpected places, too.

Live in the light, in peace, and in blessing....


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